mokubune - a static gemini site generator

A static gemini site generating program written in Common Lisp, try to be as intuitive as possible.



mokubune has been tested only on SBCL and Linux.

The Dependencies are:


$ clone
$ cd mokubune
$ make
$ make install #if you wish


$ mokubune --help

Usage: mokubune
  Process current directory.

Usage: mokubune 
  -init             Create default templates and directory layout in current directoy.
  -version          Print version information and exit.


Configure by creating a config.lisp in your site's root directory. It's just lisp, and will be loaded into the same package of mokubune's code.

So there is really no limitation what you can do in it - you can even re defun mokubune's function if you want, although normally you don't want to do that. There are some

variables you may actually want to configure, and helper functions are provided:

  (config site-title "cranej's personal site")
  (config site-base-url "https://your-site-url")

  ;;; if you have non default directory layout
  (config site-content-dir "my-contents/")
  (config site-template-dir "my-templates/")
  (config site-output-dir "my-outputs/")

  ;;; if you want to convert the generated gemini site to html, add: 
  (config site-html-output-dir "my-html-outputs/")
  ;;; if you want to apply templates to markdown files other than copying
  (add-rule "*.md" :apply-template)

  ;;; you can even also templates to certain text files
  (add-rule "*post*.txt" :apply-template)

  ;; tell mokubune to print more messages

Template Syntax

mokubune use cl-template-trim, please refer to its documentation:


Variables available in templates

Templates are run inside the "same" package of mokubune code, so again there is no limitation of what you can access. The below variables are provided for conveniences:

    (defclass page ()
       ;; title is from the first heading - line starts with one or more "#"
       ((title :accessor page-title :initarg :title)
       ;; url is the path of the generated file relative to site-output-dir
        (url :accessor page-url :initarg :url)
       ;;is from then end of file path, or the first heading with YYYY-mm-dd
       ;; if cannot be found in file path (for example from
       ;; heading "## 2023-08-12 new segment...").
        (date :accessor page-date :initarg :date)
       ;; body is the content of corresponding source file.
        (body :accessor page-body :initarg :body)))
    (defstruct site
      (title "My brilliant writes" :type string)
      (content-dir "contents/" :type string)
      (template-dir "templates/" :type string)
      (output-dir "public/" :type string)
      (base-url "" :type string)
      (data (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))

Template Selection

The general rule is, mokubune firstly try to use the most specific template for the content, and if it does not exist, fallback to the one at the root of templates directory.

This provides a possibility to use different templates for some contents.

Regular page

All files under contents directory other than index files (all "index.*" files) are treated as regular pages. The first exists template file at the following locations will be used:

For example, for page "contents/sub1/post-123.gmi", if "templates/sub1/page.clt" exists, it will be used. Otherwise use "templates/page.clt".

Index pages

Index pages are special. The usual workflow for static site generating program is something more or less like translating contents wrote by users to destnation directory.

But for index pages, it's not unusual that there is no user wrote content at all. Some other similar program requires there is at least a empty file inside contents directory, only then index pages will be generated.

mokubune takes a different approach that if it's able to find applicable template files, index pages are generated even there is no corresponding pages in contents directory.

Root index page

Root index page is the index page at your site's root.

Index page of sub directories

Index page will be generated for sub directoies if there is a template file which is "applicable".

If there is a content file index.gmi under the corresponding contents sub directory, the first exists template at the following locations will be used:

If there is no content file exists, index page will be generated only when the following template file exists: