Small CLI tools

Small CLI tools I wrote. Code structure follows the excellent blog by Steve. Only tested in SBCL.


Please download them from codeberg.

Range HTTP Server

A HTTP server serve static files like python3 -m http.server do, but with range request ([rfc9110], Section 14) supports. Code is in range-http.lisp.

Build it with make bin/range-http and see the help text ./bin/range-http --help:

range-http - A HTTP server serve static files with range request supported.

USAGE: ./bin/range-http [OPTIONS]

Serve static files via HTTP with range requests supported.

When browsing directories, files and sub directories are listed as usual, but
files are recognized as video files are rendered as links that when clicked,
opens a new page which contains a <video> tag with 'src' point to that video
file. So videos can be watched directly in browser, no other tools needed.

  -h, --help            Display help and exit.
  -d DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        serve this directory (default: current directory)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  bind to this port (default: 4242)
  -e EXT, --ext EXT     treat files with these EXTs as video files (default:
                        (list "mp4"))

Implemented the full support of range request: all three forms of range-spec and multipart/byteranges.


Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke, Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110, DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022, <>.



依赖的 cl-ganzhi, 正在 release 到 Quicklisp 中, 可以先从 这里 下载。


You can build it with make bin/liuyao.

liuyao - ancient Chinese divination 六爻

USAGE: ./bin/liuyao -p/--puzzle | [OPTIONS] chu er san si wu shang

Each yao(爻) can be one of: lyin, lyang, yin, yang, 6, 7, 8, 9

lyin and 6 means 老阴 in 六爻 terms, lyang and 9 means 老阳, yin and 8 means 阴, yang
and 7 means 阳

  -h, --help            Display help and exit.
                        Use this time instead of now when assembling gua. Valid
                        formats are like: a single number 10 means 10 o'clock
                        today; '10:30' means today 10:30; '5 10:30' means 10:30
                        at 5th this month; '2-5 10:30' means Feb. 5th this year;
                        '2021-3-7 10:30' is a full spec which should explain
  -r NAME, --record-name NAME
                        Save the result by appending write it into '~/.uranai'
                        with name NAME.
  -p, --puzzle          Enter puzzle mode for practicing.


  进入 puzzle 模式练习手动装卦:

      liuyao -p


      liuyao lyin yang yin yang lyang yin

  装卦,指定起卦时间为本月 12 号下午 3 点:

      liuyao -t "12 15" lyin yang yin yang lyang yin

  装卦,指定起卦时间为本月 6 月 5 号上午 8 点半,同时保存结果:

      liuyao -t "6-5 8:30" -r "占出行" lyin yang yin yang lyang yin

A sample output:

甲辰年 丙子月 丙辰日 壬辰时 (旬空 子丑)

天医—亥 天喜—未 贵人—亥酉 禄神—巳 羊刃—午
文昌—申 驿马—寅 桃花—酉 将星—子 劫煞—巳
华盖—辰 谋星—戌 灾煞—午

火风鼎(离・火)                             山天大畜(艮)
青龙       兄弟己巳火 ——————            父母丙寅木 ——————
玄武       子孙己未土 ——  ——  应         官鬼丙子水 ——  ——
白虎       妻财己酉金 ——————o     -->   子孙丙戌土 ——  ——
腾蛇       妻财辛酉金 ——————            子孙甲辰土 ——————
勾陈       官鬼辛亥水 ——————  世         父母甲寅木 ——————
朱雀 父母己卯木 子孙辛丑土 ——  ——x     -->   官鬼甲子水 ——————

Bug and Suggestion

Please email me or open an issue on codeberg.


Copyright 2024 "Jin, ChunHe" and contributors.

Licensed under version 3 of the GPL.

Remember that you can use GPL'ed software through their command line interfaces without any license-related restrictions. This repo are all command line tools, so this license doesn't affect you unless you're: