Quick fixes...or "fixes"?

2023-11-13 vim gutentags plugin does not work correctly on Alpine Linux

The specific problem I encountered is, after saving a file, contents of 'tags' file are replaced entirely by tags information of the just saved file, all tags data of other files in the same project lost. The expected behaviours should be 'updating', not 'overwriting'.

Turn on 'g:gutentags_define_advanced_commands' and turn on tracing via ':GutentagsToggleTrace' command, saving any file you can see gutentags reports the error 'grep invalid option --text'.

The default 'grep' program in Alpine Linux is not Gnu grep, and dost not support '--text' option. 'doas apk add grep' to install Gnu grep, problem solved.

2023-08-28 device descriptor read/64, error -71

Just encountered a wired problem with my laptop running Arch Linux - after I tried to disconnect my suddenly stopped working mouse with 'disconnect' command in bluetoothctl, the entire bluetooth device stopped working with error 'device descriptor read/64, error -71' in dmesg output. Rebooting couldn't resolve the issue. After a lot searches on web, finally I found a 'wired' solution[1]: power off the laptop entirely with 'shutdown -h now'; unplug all cables like power/HDMI, etc.; wait for a few seconds; power on and plug cables back...which worked! Problem solved...in a way I don't understand.

[1] solution on askubuntu.com


Google services are strictly blocked in my country. Many sites I want to visit load JavaScript from ajax.googleapi.com, and more worse, many of these sites put the <script src> tag at the begining of their html pages(which is a bad practice in web developing), then every time I visit such a page, I have to wait until the ajax.googleapi.com request to timeout before I can see any content of the pages.

I'm not blaming owners of these web sites, I'm very clear that the only one should be cursed on is the one who blocked many web services. I'm just curious - why on earth content focused sites need JavaScript at the first place? And even if they do want JavaScript for their sites, do they really need a "library" like jQuery in 2023?

Anyway, I blocked all request to ajax.googleapi.com in my browser, so the requests to them fails immediately. And yes I didn't see any problem on these pages without 'jQuery'. Problem solved.


[1] st from suckless

[2] amfora


Published on 2023-11-13

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